Yeah , I remember a brother who sold the tie pins and other jewelry items with the Watchtower logo. Being a zealous pioneer at the time, I thought they were cool, I always wanted to order one. What a dork I was.
No Apologies
i have seen many brothers in the jw's including elders & ministerial servants using that silly tower symbol .
in their: bible covers, lapels, tie pins/clips, letterheads (personal) & many many more .
are they not idols?
Yeah , I remember a brother who sold the tie pins and other jewelry items with the Watchtower logo. Being a zealous pioneer at the time, I thought they were cool, I always wanted to order one. What a dork I was.
No Apologies
here is mine and my hubby's.
i might take it down latter so my crazy ex dont find it.
feel free to post pics of you, your kids, your pets plants anything will be grrreat!
Who is this?????
No Apologies (of the look its me class)
just got my 5th computer on my home network, but i've wired this one up next to my other base unit with a belkin kvm switch box so i can actually control two of them at the same time.
i'm pretty pleased with the result.
i have to run netlimiter which is a really cool app.
Whoa!! For a minute I thought I was on Slashdot, not JWD!!
My first computer was a Commodore 64, didn't even have a floppy drive at first. Any of you remember typing in those programs from Compute!, hoping when you got all done you didn't make any typos or it was all for naught? Good times!!
No Apologies( of the bits and bytes class)
while researching a reply to another thread, i discovered "the unbound bible":
it allows you to search for a bible passage in several different translations, from king james to douay to original language hebrew and greek.
i am shocked, shocked i tell you, that the new world tranlation is not one of the options!
My understanding of Byington's was that the Society bought the rights because they wanted to publish it, because it used Jehovah instead of LORD or GOD . For some reason, as years went by, they have certainly not drawn much attention to this translation, but I don't think their intent was ever to suppress it.
Do you have any other evidence to back up your theory, or any other examples of the Society buying the rights to a publication just to suppress it?
No Apologies
while the watchtower is asset rich, contributions are another matter entirely.
passive-aggressive witnesses are skipping.
meetings and walking past lonely contribution boxes.
ROFL Forty!!!! Good One!!
No Apologies
so i'm new to this forum but i just thought that someone out there might be able to relate to the situation i'm in---here it goes...!
i'm stuck in the middle of my spouse who is no longer a witness and his family who are very involved in the religion i myself was raised jewish and don't really have any commitments to any religion but don't see anything wrong with those that do however my husband is very anti anti-any type of organized religion.... at times i think he's against me because i had a normal upbringing with a big loving family and a normal childhood during which i could play sports and mingle with all types of friends regardless of their background... but my husband has a lot of anger about his childhood that he missed out on and the sports he didn't get to play and "excel" at so now he has no appreciation for things that i find important holidays or pushing yourself beyond your own physical limits just to see how far you can... life can be really difficult at times and i feel like we were raised on two different planets!!!!!!!!!!
eventhough my husband is no longer in the religion sometimes i feel like it is a 3rd partner in our marriage that i have to constantly compete with and work hard to overshadow.... i'm trying so hard not to let this break me but at times i'm at my wits end... can you relate????
Happehanna is right, your husband should be here on the board, he would find out he's not alone. There's a lot of us in the same boat.
No Apologies
sorry if this is old news; but in case it is new, uh, news.... .
i just got off the phone with my mum.
she said that a 2nd cousin, who works in new york bethel, is coming to canada bethel for about three months, as part of the move of their largest print press to bethel canada.
wouldn't that bill contradict freedom B?
No Apologies
anybody would agree that talking about jehovah's witnesses over and over, and then over some more can get anybody tired and sick.
except, of course, those who are obsessed over them.
don't you think there will be a point when you won't talk or even mumble about jehovah's witnesses?
When I get my family out of their clutches, I'll think about it!!!!
No Apologies
did you ever get into just doing random underlines and notes and all that on your study wt or books just to look like you?d studied it without ever having even looked at it before?
you go doodle!
No Blondie, no six-pack was ever involved :(
Ok, and what about when the answer for the "a" question came after the answer for the "b" question? Can't they coordinate the questions any better than that????
No Apologies
did you ever get into just doing random underlines and notes and all that on your study wt or books just to look like you?d studied it without ever having even looked at it before?
Ok I have you all beat when it comes to lameness...
Not only did I actually study the material and underline the answers, I used a ruler as a straightedge to do the underlining!!!
How pathetic is that???
No Apologies( of the slightly-anal, thank you class)